MLK Newsletter: June 18, 2015
Published on Jun 18, 2015 13:51

  June 18, 2015
Art Show

Art Show
Congratulations to King students for two successful art openings at Out of the Blue Art Gallery. Special thank you to Ms. Maxwell and the 5th grade chorus for their performance and to Ms. Bailey and Ms. Leeds for teaching and exposing students to the wonderful art techniques that were on display at both shows.

Field Day

Field Day
June 24 | 9AM - 1PM
Wednesday, June 24th is MLK Field Day! We will walk from school to nearby Sennott Park, on the corner of Broadway and Norfolk Streets. There will be fun and games for all grade-levels.

A bagged lunch can be ordered from the cafeteria or you can send one from home. Water will be provided at the field.

IMPORTANT: Students should come to school with cool clothing, sneakers (not sandals), a water bottle, and sunscreen already applied.  

We NEED parent volunteers to help run the activity stations and share in this fun day! Please contact Monica Leon to volunteer.


Nature's Classroom Trip
Last Friday the 5th grade students returned from their trip to Nature’s Classroom. At Nature's Classroom students and teachers have the chance to experience education from another perspective, outside the walls of the classroom. Read more >>


Summer Reading at the King
This summer, students can read their way into the King School Reading Hall of Fame! There will be an opportunity for all readers to win prizes with our Summer Reading Bingo game. Take a look at the Bingo Card and see if you can do the reading activities in 5 boxes in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Bring back the completed Bingo cards in September in exchange for a prize.

For a real reading muscle workout and, to be eligible to enter our Reading Hall of Fame, students will be challenged to read for at least 1000 minutes this summer - that’s about 20 minutes a day. With these logged reading hours, we will be helping students all across Cambridge achieve the goal of reading for at least half a million minutes per grade this summer. You can find printable logs and more information about CPS and King School summer reading by clicking here.


The Move
Due to the fire at the construction site for our new building, our move  to 100 Putnam Ave, has been delayed. We have no definite information at this time as to when the move will take place. As information becomes available, we will share it with the community. Visit the Building Excitement page for up-to-date information >>

Health Office Announcement
If your child has any medication stored in the Health Office, please make arrangements with Ms. Rollins, the School Nurse, to pick it on the last day of school. Epi-pens and inhalers should be picked up no sooner than your child's the last day of school. All other medications can be retrieved at any time prior to the close of school. Plan ahead and update Doctor's Orders for next school year over the summer.  

All students entering Gr. 1 and Gr. 5 are asked to send in current doctor's physicals next year.


Have a Great Summer

The first day of the 2015-2016 school year is September 8th.


MLK Joins Twitter!
Stay up-to-date on school news, announcements, and events.
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Thank You

We have many people to thank for another successful year.


All School Field Trip to Fenway Park
June 22

Kindergarten Field Trip to Drumlin Farm
June 23

Field Day
June 24 | 9AM - 1PM

5th Grade Moving On Ceremony
June 25 | 8:30AM

Last Day of School
June 25
Dismissal at 1:55PM

Title 1 Camp
July 6 - 21 | 9AM - 12Noon
It is not too late to sign up for Title 1 Camp.
This free camp will allow your child to continue to practice important math and literacy skills in a small setting with King School certified teachers. Camp will be held at the Cambridgeport School located at 89 Elm St.



June 20, 2015
Copley Square
Creative commotion for kids. Free for all ages! Learn more >>

Book Bike Summer Program
June 29 - August 14
This summer, the Cambridge Book Bike is bringing free books and activities for kids of all ages to a park near you.
Learn more >>

Healthy Snack of
the Week

Cambridge in Motion presents the healthy snack suggestion of the week: strawberries and small handful of nuts.
Learn more >>

mobile app

Have you downloaded it yet? Don't wait! Download 
it today to stay informed. 
Learn more >>



Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. School
359 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6569
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