Green eNews September 2015: Welcome Back, In It to Win It & More
Published on Sep 22, 2015 13:59

  September 22, 2015

Dear Staff and Community,

It was great to see so many familiar faces at your all-staff meetings these past few weeks!

Heartfelt thanks to each of you for your continued support of environmental sustainability in our classrooms and school buildings.

Do you recycle in your classroom? You’re a CGSI supporter! Do you have a plant in your office or classroom? You’re making a difference! Do you travel to work sustainably via biking, walking, public transportation or carpooling? You’re doing a lot!

The Office for Sustainability at the school department is now in its fifth year of operation, and we are excited to continue the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative (CGSI), encouraging students and staff to make healthy environmental choices, as well as to support the Georgetown University Energy Prize (GUEP) this year!

We also work on the Facilities side in partnership with our dedicated custodial and maintenance staff, as well as the Department of Public Works, to implement energy efficiency and waste reduction projects. Last spring, we were honored to receive the U.S. Department of Education’s 2015 Green Ribbon Schools District Sustainability Award. This is thanks to all of your support and daily efforts to make sustainable choices!

Have a wonderful school year! I look forward to seeing you in our cafeterias, classrooms, offices, and hallways.


bikes at CRLS

Photo above: CRLS students & staff are doing an awesome job biking to school!

In It to Win It logo

Georgetown University Energy Prize:
In It to Win It!
Cambridge is competing in the $5 million, two-year Georgetown University Energy Prize against 50 other cities, and we’re In It to Win It! To win, we have to reduce our energy use the most by the end of 2016 and we’re counting on your help! Learn more >>

KLO composting

Help Kids Compost!
Love kids? Love composting? Volunteer, a little or a lot, to remind students "what goes where" and why we compost and recycle. Breakfast shifts are ~7:30-8:30AM and lunch shifts are ~11AM-1:15PM. You can help the continued success of the school composting programs! Please email [email protected] to learn more and join the team.

Have a Guest from the Recycling Division
Meryl Brott, DPW Recycling Program Manager, would love to come to your class to share about recycling and/or composting. To schedule a visit, email [email protected]. Says Gena Rosenberg, First Grade Teacher, Morse School: “Thank you so much for coming in today! The kids really enjoyed it and are very excited about recycling! After you left the kids started making signs to encourage others to recycle!”

Walk-Ride Days & More!
Friday, September 25, is Walk/Ride Day! Be sure to try and walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation to get to school! Get more info >> 

Events and Rewards:

And…Here’s a map of local Hubway bike stations around Cambridge and Boston >>  


water bottles

Invest in a re-usable water bottle or coffee mug and keep it at school.

Read this year's school sustainability memo >>


See the huge impacts of recycling at CPS >> 

The Cambridge Recycling Center has used 3-ring binders. Email Meryl at DPW with sizes and quantities needed. They can be dropped off at your school.

Visit the resources section on our Office for Sustainability website. There are education videos, links to online teaching tools, and other resources! Learn more >>


In partnership with Cambridge Public Health we encourage you to drink tap water and to stay hydrated. You will notice new stickers above the bubblers! Tap water is a great choice for health and for the environment.

Curbside pickup of food scraps expands in Cambridge on October 19! Thousands of eligible residences will get green bins, bags, and instructions in early October. We need 40-50 volunteers to knock on doors for 2-3 hours on four weeknights: Thurs 10/8, Tues 10/13, Wed 10/14, and Thurs 10/15. DPW staff will provide each volunteer with canvassing supplies and training. Help educate residents and maximize participation, reduce waste, and protect our climate. Sign up here – thank you!

Here's an excellent opportunity for students and teachers to attend or participate in!
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate Conference
October 16-18, 2015
Tufts University

The conference is bringing an extraordinary group of scientists from around the planet (5 continents) who have the science behind and success stories about reversing desertification and other benefits of restoring water cycles. Rajendra Singh will be coming from India to talk about his work (the flow project) restoring water to 1000 villages in the most drought impacted area in India. Michal Kravcik from Slovakia will talk about his book The New Water Paradigm.


Kristen von Hoffmann
Sustainability Manager
Email Kristen

Cambridge Green Schools Initiative
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