Tobin Weekly: September 25, 2015
Published on Sep 25, 2015 12:34

  September 25, 2015
Extra, extra!

Communication: What to Expect
Trying to keep everyone informed about what is going on in the school – as well as in the community – can be a challenge at times. But for the most part, we think we do a pretty good job!

Tobin Weekly
Every Friday, you will receive the Tobin Weekly e-newsletter where you will find up-to-the-minute information about what is going on in the school for the following week or two. A hard copy will be sent home to those who do not have e-mail addresses.

Wednesday Send Home
Every Wednesday, you will receive all the community information we've received from the city, as well as from various agencies in the area. This information will include community activities, sports leagues, etc. These flyers have been approved by Dr. Carolyn Turk, Deputy Superintendent.

Classroom Newsletters
Each classroom teacher has a different policy as far as newsletters are concerned. Some have weekly updates. Some have monthly updates. You can ask the teacher what to except.

Here's is where you'll find updates, stories, and more – be sure to LIKE and be a part of our Facebook Community!  

Quick E-mails
Sometimes things have to be communicated right away. When this happens, you will get an e-mail from Mary Frawley. We try to keep this to a minimum.

Robo Calls
Ms. Frost will make a call to all the families once a month or just before a big event. Please listen to the message to the end, because important information is included in that call.

Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin Comes to Tobin! 
Hear all about our amazing visit with Ben Franklin – as portrayed by a talented character actor. Read more >> 


Spotlight on Joey Huber
Get to know a bit more about our super School Operations Manager and what makes him tick! Read on >>


Attention Families!
Do you have a child who will be 3 years old by August 31, 2016? If so, you MUST register that child during the month of October in order for you to get sibling preference. Applications are available in Mary Frawley's office; return the completed application to Mary in the office between October 1st and 13th to be processed. Questions? [email protected] or 617.349.6600 x153

survey header

Give Your Input
Please help Jaime gather data about the Tobin School Community. Take a moment to complete this online survey >>

reading friends

Contact Books
Build family connections that support student learning! Sign up today >>


Early Release Day
September 29
11:55AM dismissal
3-yr-olds get picked up from Cubs Corner at 11:55

Parent Ed.
Montessori 101

October 1 | 8AM

Walk/Ride to School Day
October 7
More info >>

School Council
October 8 | 8AM

Columbus Day
October 12

School Calendar
District Calendar

Have you heard the exciting news? Tobin has been selected to host the 2016 conference! Hear more >>


CORI forms MUST be filled out EVERY YEAR in order for you to go on a field trip with your child's class. It takes at least two weeks for it to be processed. The forms can be found online or in the main office.

Food Day is coming up on October 24, and the Mayor's Office is looking for Cambridge Food Heroes to honor. Have a food hero? Learn more >>



This tip is brought to you from Kristi Obie, Occupational Therapist.

Set up a work station at home that is designated for homework. The station should be clear of clutter and extraneous noises such as TV, video games, and radio. This structured area limits distractions and provides a well-organized environment for work.



No experience necessary...
We will be happy to show you what to do!

[email protected]
–Composting in the cafeteria
[email protected]


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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