An Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School: October 13, 2016
Published on Oct 13, 2016 14:52

  October 13, 2016

Greetings from Julie Craven

Dear RAUC Families,

This is quite a week, with a Monday and a Wednesday holiday. Holidays spark reflection--in this case, I reflect on the importance of culture and atonement, both of which play a role in the week’s holidays. Wednesday was Yom Kippur, the annual Jewish observance of fasting, prayer and repentance (Shonah Tovah to those celebrating this holiday!). And Monday marked Cambridge’s first celebration of Indigenous People’s Day, as declared by the Cambridge City Council in a unanimous vote last June to recognize the suffering of Native Americans at the hands of European colonists. The holidays make me appreciate anew the important work our teachers do around two RAUC priorities: respecting diverse cultures and supporting our students in being responsible for their actions.  

This is also a beautiful time of year--I hope all of you find time to enjoy some fall foliage!


Julie Craven

Family Contact Books
Connect with other families! Sign up and customize 
your entry in your school's directory/family contact book. Learn more >>

Families of RAUC Meeting
Thursday, October 13, 2016 | 6 - 8PM | RAUC Library
6 - 7PM: What is typical behavior for a middle school aged child? How do you help your child transition through the middle school years and move towards independence and self advocacy? Our speaker is Stefanie Haug, LICSW. She has worked with children and the adults who care for them as the counselor of an independent middle school and therapist in private practice. She is a proud RAUC parent alumnus. She will share some widely accepted developmental milestones for middle schoolers and tricks-of-the-trade of parenting, and is happy to collaboratively address any specific questions caregivers may have.

7 - 8PM: Business Meeting. We welcome all RAUC families to join us for our business meeting.

Learning Previews – Grade 7 
Hear more details about what's going on in our classrooms at RAUC! Read the Grade 7 Learning Previews >>

Team Building

Help Choose Parent Ideas for RAUC Core Values
Please join us Wednesday, October 19 from 5 - 6:30PM to help finalize parent ideas for RAUC’s core values. If you haven’t completed the survey, please do so before Oct 19.

Upcoming community building field trips: (expect permission slips soon!)

8th grade: Climbing Mt. Monadnock Thursday, October 20 7th grade: Climbing Mt. Wachusett Friday, October 21

Picture Day

Picture Day: Friday, October 14
Portrait purchase forms were sent home with students. They can still buy a package even if they forgot the form! NOTE: All students will be given a complimentary group advisory photo. We also have come complimentary package coupoons--please have your child let your advisor know if s/he would like a coupon or let our guidance counselor know, Shanika Boadu.

What's Happening Outside of CPS?
Girl Scouts Of Eastern Massachusetts 
Register online at
Call at 844.306.GSEM (4736) 

CityStep 6th Grade Program
Tuesdays | 3:30 - 5PM | Harvard Campus
Classes are free and start today! Learn more >>

FREE Bike Workshops!
The City of Cambridge is proud to offer free bicycle education workshops. Upcoming workshops are on October 17 and 23. Learn more >>

College Conversations
October 13 | 6 - 8PM
Harvard undergraduates, admissions officers, local educators, and community partners will answer questions and suggest tips for tackling the college application process. Students will reflect on their identity, interests and motivations while the whole family will be engaged in a deeper dialogue around higher education. Event Details >>

6th Annual Crimson Madness
October 14 | 7PM
Free admission. Event details >>

Community Partners Day 
Saturday, October 15 | Museum of Science
Registered guests (up to 4 people per reservation) will be able to enter the Museum for free on this day. Registration ends Tuesday, October 11. Email Lisa Monaci to register for attendance.

The Flagship Clubhouse will have an Open House on this day as well! Please pass on the word that we’re open to people of all ages on October 15 from 2 - 5PM.

Harvard Youth Leadership Initiative
Mentorship program for Cambridge middle school students.
Learn more >>

MIT Science on Saturday
Saturdays (October 15, December 3, February 4, March 4, April 1, 2017
Time: Main presentation 10 - 11AM + hands-on activities 11AM - 12noon 
Learn more >>

Science Club for Girls Sisterhood
8th Graders! Are you interested and STEM and want to be a leader? Join the Science Club for Girls to be a Junior Mentor 
Call: 617.391.0361

Learn to Skate or Play Ice Hockey
Check out these Cambridge programs >>

Cambridge Historic Society presents Housing for All
A 3-part symposium about the past, present, and future of affordable housing in Cambridge. Learn more >>

Affordable Housing Opportunities in Cambridge Information Sessions
Attend an upcoming information session to learn about the City’s rental and homeownership programs. Learn more >>

Cambridge Community Learning Center Offers
English Classes for Parents

Learn more >>

Cantare Choir for Middle School Singers
A Division of Boston City Singers 
Tuesdays | 4:30-6:30PM | St. John's Church
Directed by Joshua DeWitte 
Contact [email protected] if interested.

TTT Mentor Program
Saturday program for grades 4 - 7 children interested in STEM and eager to learn. Learn more >>

Simoni Skating Rink Learn to Skate Program
Click here to download a one-time free skating pass.


FRAUC Meeting
October 13 | 6 - 7PM 

Picture Day
October 14

Early Release Day

October 19

School Dance
October 28 | 6 - 8:30PM

Early Release Day
November 3 

Title I Presents Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences 
October 18 | 6 - 7:30PM
Learn more >>


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Did you know that we have a mobile app? It's an easy way to stay connected! 
Download it here >>

Bus Schedules
Lunch Menus
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Cambridge in Motion


Cambridge in Motion presents this week's healthy snack suggestion: grapes and a boiled egg.

The Fall 2016 MSN Out-of-School Time Opportunities Guide is now available. Check it out >>


If you have a child at RAUC, you are a member of FRAUC 
(Families of Rindge Avenue Upper Campus). Learn more about FRAUC >>



Rindge Avenue
Upper School
70 Rindge Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140
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