Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School | November 28, 2017
Published on Nov 28, 2017 10:19

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  November 28, 2017
Greetings from Julie Craven

Dear RAUC Families,

It has been fun to welcome students back after a few days off. This week marks the beginning of our final four weeks before winter vacation. With no holidays or early release days in that time, we are looking forward to a nice stretch of uninterrupted learning before the break. If you think your student would benefit from support in math, reading, or writing during this time (or in general), be sure to see the options listed in this newsletter.

Of course we will still find time for community building. Seeking unity is one of our core values because we believe that when students feel comfortable with each other, they are better able to take the academic risks they need to grow. We went into the Thanksgiving break with a successful whole-school trip to see the movie, Wonder. Students were impressively upbeat during our walk to and from the movie theater in the rain, and enjoyed the movie in three theaters set aside for RAUC. A surprising number admitted to tearing up as they watched the story unfold! We will end this week with a whole school assembly celebrating fall accomplishments before starting our second round of electives next week – a chance to connect with students in different grades and with different teachers through fun, low-key activities. We will end these four weeks with a staff vs students friendly competition after lunch the Friday before break. Stay tuned for more details!

Have a great week!

Julie Craven, Head of School

Season of Giving
Please consider donating a new pair of gloves, mittens, or a winter hat or scarf to our Giving Tree. This year we are excited to partner with our Peabody community to contribute to this lovely tradition. You can drop donations off in the RAUC office any time – or, once everything is in place, just right in the lobby. Anyone who would benefit from something warm is then free to take what they need! Compassion and unity indeed!

6th Grade Learning Previews
See what our students are going to be studying this month! Read more >>

8th Graders to CRLS:
Thursday, December 7th

Students will have a tour of the high school in small groups and then have a chance to ask questions of a panel of CRLS students. A bus will take students to and from CRLS. This event marks the start of support for the transition to 9th grade. We are working with the high school for the timeline of future events. Stay tuned! 

Connect Your Student to Math, Reading, or Writing Support
We have morning and after school support available for students--either for help with homework or a particular project or to improve skills in general. Please reach out to our instructional coaches for details: Ms. Katie Gribben for reading or writing ([email protected]) or Ms. Sara Carhart for math ([email protected]).

8th Grade D.C. Trip – Registration Deadline Approaching!!
Please register your student by the December 7th deadline. That includes making a deposit according to our tiered pricing system. You only need to make the deposit amount appropriate to your lunch paying status ($100 for reduced lunch; $75 for free lunch; $200 for all others). Packets have been given to students. Check their backpacks! Please don’t hesitate to contact Jose Oliveira with questions – we want everyone to go on this memorable end-of-year trip!

D.C. Scholarship Donations are Welcome!
Tax deductible donations help secure future DC trips as well as this year’s. Donations can be made at www.frauc.org – or you can drop off a check at school, payable to Families of RAUC, with DC Scholarship Donation noted in memo.

Opportunities Outside of School
All flyers and registration forms are available at RAUC. Students or families can contact Justin McNulty.
Learn more about opportunities outside school via the Middle School Network

Cambridge Public Library Afternoon Movie: Before I Fall
When: Thursday, November 30th
Where: 449 Broadway Street, Cambridge (Teen Room)
Time: 3PM
Ages: 12-18
Cost: Free

Middle School Activities Club: 
Parkour @ Russell Youth Center
(see flyer)
When: Friday, December 1st
Where: 680 Huron Ave
Time: 6:30-9:30PM
Cost: $10
Deadline: Register by this Tuesday!

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Picture Retake Day
December 7

8th Grade CRLS Tour
December 7

Reminder that the last day of Fall After School Clubs is Thursday, December 7th. Winter Clubs start right after vacation. See descriptions and sign up info here >>

Thursday, December 7th
We will call down any students interested in a retake in the morning--or a first take if they were absent on picture day! Students were given their picture packets Tuesday morning--all students received a complimentary picture of their advisory group.

Reminder that RAUC students can audition for this city-wide drama production on Thursday, November 30th right after school in Rooms 229 and 230! Look for audition announcements posted in the lobby. Students can sign up for auditions on the bulletin board next to the RAUC office.

Parent Info Session on Mindfulness
November 28 | 7-8PM 
Baldwin School
Come meet Gabriel Baldwin, Natalia Cepeda & Laura Indigo who have been teaching an eight week mindfulness curriculum in some CPS classrooms. Mindfulness teaches us research-backed skills to manage stress and anxiety so we can be more resilient, happy, and better able to focus.

See a list of programs and events in our community.
Details >> 

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Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the week suggestion:
apple and nut butter.

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Stay informed via our FREE mobile app!
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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

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