RAUC Newsletter: March 10, 2020
Published on Mar 10, 2020 13:37

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March 10, 2020

Equity Update: Our Posters,
Our Dreams!

In the fall, families, staff, and community members from the Baldwin/Peabody/RAUC triad were invited to come together to reflect on the work from the Building Equity Bridges project, a multi-year joint effort of the Cambridge Public Schools and the Cambridge Educators Association. The purpose of Building Equity Bridges has been to better understand and elevate root causes of inequity within Cambridge Public Schools as part of the path to make the Cambridge Public Schools truly welcoming and inclusive for all. Over 100 people, representing all three of our schools, took part in two evenings of rich conversation.

At the first fall meeting, our triad community members reflected on the barriers identified by the project, then chose barriers we most wanted to address within our triad.

At the second meeting, we envisioned what our schools would look like if these barriers were truly overcome. And, we came up with one action step: to post our vision in our schools as a visual record of our hopes and dreams and to show our commitment to keeping this vision central. We’re happy to share that these posters are now posted throughout RAUC and Peabody! Check them out next time you are here – or view them at http://bit.ly/2IwOnxn!

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COVID-19 Update

Here at RAUC we continue to support students in hand washing, in understanding the ways that this and all viruses spread, and in supporting each other as an inclusive community. We are in close communication with district leaders as the situation relating to the coronavirus develops. You can keep track of the latest updates here: www.cpsd.us/coronavirus.

Child psychology experts recommend limiting exposure to news cycles as a way to lower student anxiety. We want to find a balance between staying informed and being in a cycle of relentless information, much of which is not changing. If you notice your student is experiencing concerning levels of anxiety, please reach out to guidance counselor Shanika Boadu ([email protected]).

In terms of building cleaning, all custodians are following the following clear district guidelines: Focus on disinfecting door handles, faucets, railings, counters, bathroom doors, push plates and other high touch areas. This should take place during school hours when these surfaces are used the most. Please make sure you disinfect restrooms at the end of the shift after permits holders have left. Weekend details should also focus on disinfecting general areas and high points.

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6th and 7th Grade Learning Partners Conferences Happening This Week!

You can still sign up for your Spring Learning Partners Conferences here. You can also find the link on our school website: www.rindgeavenue.cpsd.us. If you do not have access to the internet or need support in scheduling, please call Julia Ho, Family Partnership Coordinator at 617.349.4060 x2041 or Linette Maloney at 617.349.4060. Bring your student to the conference so everyone hears the same message!

7th grade: Tue. 3/10 (8AM-3:50PM); Wed. 3/11 (5:30-8PM)
6th grade: Wed. 3/11 (5:30-8PM); Thurs. 3/12 (8AM-3:50PM) 
Specials: Wed. 3/11 (5:30-8PM); Fri. 3/13 (8-8:40AM)

NOTE: Specials teachers who are 8th grade advisors will only be scheduling conferences on Friday.

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We Want to Hear from You! Last Week for Family Survey

Please fill out the 2020 Family Survey! It is a district survey, but RAUC gets to look at the answers about our school. Your feedback will contribute to our ongoing efforts to learn, improve, and support better outcomes for all students. 

You can give us your feedback in a number of ways:

  • To fill out the survey online or for more information about the Family Survey, please visit Family Survey website.
  • If you need help filling out the survey or would like a paper survey, please contact Family Partnership Coordinator Julia Ho ([email protected] | 617.349.4060 Ext. 2041).

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Social-Emotional Tip of the Week

Practice gratitude. Spend time talking with your student about the things that they can be grateful for in their lives, and help them to use grateful behavior. For example, when you notice them thanking someone else, encourage that behavior by identifying it and appreciating their thoughtfulness.

If you have any stories of how you have used one of our SEL tips with your own child, please share them with Maggie MacLennan, Ms. Boadu’s intern, at [email protected]!

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RAUC Debate Team News

On Saturday, February 28th the RAUC Debate team rocked our first tournament this year at CRLS. Arnav Garg/Alex Warren team came in 3rd best debate team, Krissie Alexis/Evan Frasier team came in 5th place and Izzy Cellini/Liam Holman came in 7th. Liam Holman won an award for 2nd place top speaker and also placed in the top 10. Novice speakers with Krissie Alexis, Miles Litman, and Even Frasier. Congratulations to all! And shout out to Marilyn Rottersman, our building sub extraordinaire, for coaching our awesome debaters!

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Courageous Conversations
Session 1 Recap

Last Tuesday, over 50 families, staff and community members from the RAUC, Baldwin, Peabody triad gathered for the first spring session of Courageous Conversations. During the session, participants thoughtfully laid the groundwork for future conversations by setting some “ways of beings” or expectations of how to engage in often difficult conversations. Please join us for the next sessions. Disrupting barriers to racial equity starts with each of us, setting out on a long, shared journey. Let’s walk together. (Facilitated by Melody Brazo and Melinda Barbosa).

Dates for future conversations:
–April 7, 5:30-8PM at Baldwin School: 
Courageous Conversations Session #2
–May 12, 5:30-8PM at RAUC/Peabody: 
Courageous Conversations Session #3

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follow chester
Author Visit in 6th Grade Social Studies Classes

We were honored to have author Gloria Respress-Churchwell, author of Follow Chester!, visit 6th grade social studies classes last Friday. She shared information about the main character in her story, Dr. Chester Pierce, a local but less well-known African American scholar and civil rights hero. She also helped students understand the process of writing a children’s books which will be of use to them when they do their end of the year project writing their own social justice-themed children’s books. The author also brought two guest, creators of a visual pod-cast, who also exposed students to their work and creative process.

Shout out to literacy coach Katie Gribben and 6th grade social studies teacher Gisel Saillant for bringing this exciting opportunity to our students, and to Ms. Respress-Churchwell for donating so generously of her time.

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Summer Opportunities Planning Workshops Coming to RAUC this Month!

On Monday, March 23rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will get to try out summer activities in school, when the Middle School Network brings in program providers to run four different activities for students (students rotate around and try each). The goal is to get a taste of what summer can feel like, if they try new things and keep challenging themselves while school is out. Research shows that students who participate in programs are less likely to experience the 'summer slide' in academics and will be more prepared for school the next year. Being part of community programs is also essential as middle schoolers figure out who they are, what they are good at, and build relationships with friends and other adults in Cambridge who can help them reach their goals. 8th graders workshops will focus on job or internship programs like the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program (8th graders need to be 14 by July 6th to be eligible).

Want to look at your child's options? Check out the newly released 2020 Summer Resource Guide for 6-8th graders, compiled by the Middle School Network. Programs included are for rising 6th graders through rising 9th graders.

Help your middle schooler prepare for these workshops by having these conversations at home before Monday, 3/23: Talk about:
–What plans do we already have as a family? Are we traveling? What weeks of the summer? Are we already signed up for anything?
–Ask: What's one thing you want to do differently this summer?
–Ask: What's a New Year's resolution that you didn't get to yet? What could you try this summer that would help you with those goals?
–Have your child come up with at least 3 questions they can bring into the workshops - they'll have a chance to submit them and write down new questions too.

If you have questions about workshops or about summer planning, please reach out to Annie at [email protected] or Justin McNulty (Health Teacher) at [email protected].

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6th Grade Learning Previews

Want ideas on how to engage your student in conversation about school?Check out what will be happening this month in 6th grade!

Learn more >> 

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Out of School Opportunities

All flyers and registration forms are available at the RAUC Out of School Time (OST) Board or by contacting Mr. McNulty @ [email protected].

See flyers for programs below >>

Boys to Men Leadership Brunch (see flyer)
When: April 4 
Where: PAUS, 100 Putnam Ave, Cambridge
Time: 12pm-2pm
Ages: All Boys/Men
Cost: Free
Contact: 617-665-3820

When: Session 1: July 6-24 / Session 2: July 27 - Aug. 14
Where: Putnam Avenue Upper School, 100 Putnam Avenue
Time: 8:30AM - 11: 30AM
Ages: Current 5th - 7th Graders
Cost: Free
Math Program - Register online: http://bit.ly/mathcps
ELA Program - Register online: http://bit.ly/elacps
Questions? [email protected] / 617.349.6683. Space is limited.

Mission Possible (see flyer)
When:June 22nd through August 14th
Where: Moore Youth Center
Time: 8:30am - 6pm
Ages: Students Entering Grades 6-8
Cost: $20
Contact: Kaitlyn Kelley, Director, Moore Youth Center
[email protected] | 617.349.6273

East Cambridge Little League Baseball (see flyer)
When: Saturday, March 14
Where: 61 Willow Street, Frisoli Youth Center
Time: 10am
Ages: 4-12
Cost: $40-$80
Contact: www.eclbl.com

City Sprouts Summer Internship (See flyer and application)
When: June 29 - August 7
Time: 9am-1pm
Ages: 11-14
Cost: Free
Contact: 617-876-2436 or [email protected]

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Happy National Nutrition Month!

eat rightDid you know that most of the added sugar we consume actually comes from sugary drinks? The sports drinks, energy drinks, sodas, frozen drinks (Coolatas, Slurpees, etc.) and coffee drinks really add up. Focus on milk, fortified milk-alternatives, and tap water for your best health! Small changes can really add up, so start shifting habits today.

For more on how to spot added-sugar, click hereClick here on how to find added-sugars on the food label.

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RAUC Events & Announcements


March 11 | 6-7PM
FRAUC Meeting

March 13 | 6-8:30PM
LGBTQIA+ TV Festival
See details on right

March 18
Early Release Day

March 19 | 3-4PM
Peabody Market

March 27 | 6-8PM
Parent Speaker Series
See details on right

Last Day of School
The last day of school with one snow day will be Wednesday, June 17.

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RAUC calendar >>
RAUC important dates (printable) >>
CPS district calendar >>

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Save the Date: Final Event of Parent Speaker Series Mar. 27th
Please mark your calendar for the final talk of this year of the Parent Speaker Series on Friday, March 27th (6-8 PM). Alice Cohen, CPS Lead Teacher for Social Emotional Learning, will share practical information about how parents and guardians can navigate the adolescent years successfully and how the Cambridge Public Schools can help. More information will be provided in the next newsletter.

LGBTQIA+ TV Festival
RAUC’s Genders & Sexualities Alliance is hosting a TV Festival this Friday, March 13, 6-8:30PM, in the auditorium. We’ll watch episodes of Queer Eye Japan, Steven Universe, Arthur, and One Day at a Time that represent aspects of the LGBTQIA+ experience, and bond with GSA members from other CPSD middle schools. All RAUC students are welcome! 

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge?  
Find It Cambridge >> 

The 2020 US Census is fast approaching and we want to make sure everyone in Cambridge is counted! Learn more about why the 2020 Census is so important, what you need to do, access materials, and more online. Want to help get the word out in Cambridge? Apply to be a part-time Census Outreach Worker to help the City and your community online.

The Mind Matters: Families Make a Difference
A 10-session workshop for parents with children ages 3–8 providing educational resources & community support. To Register: Click here
For more information, please contact Debbie Bonilla at 617.349.6492 or Email Debbie
View the Flyer >>

Affordable Housing
Open House & Fair

April 25 | 11AM-2PM
Details >>

Affordable Housing

Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Middle School Network 2019-20 School Year Resource Guide
The new guide is here and is full of opportunities for middler schoolers!
Details >>

Dig It! 2020 CitySprouts 
Gala/Silent Auction
April 2
Join CitySprouts for a night of food, fun, and fundraising as we celebrate CitySprouts' 19th year.
Details >> 
CPS Budget Meetings
–Presentation of the
2021 Proposed Budget:

Thursday, March 12 | 6PM
–Public Hearing on the
2021 Proposed Budget:

Tuesday, March 17 | 6PM

Cambridge Works
Cambridge Works is currently recruiting for our 24th cycle of the program which will be starting this coming March. This 3-month employment and training program offers a paid internship, professional development classes and case management. If you know any Cambridge residents ages 18 - 35 without a college degree, out of work or with limited/no work experience, please have them contact us. Please think of anyone, family members, neighbors, friends, acquaintances anyone you know who may need help with employment.
Details >>

March 14 & 15
For one awesome weekend every March, join over a thousand middle schoolers to take classes at MIT on anything and everything!
Details >>

Invention Convention!
April 25 | 3:30-5:30PM
Fletcher Maynard Academy
This is fun and FREE workshop on inventing, designed for kids in grades K-8! Hosted by the Lemelson-MIT group.
Details >>

Youth Leadership Team
Open to CitySprouts club and summer program alums, this program is for youth who are excited to learn more about science, cooking, and engineering. It is a year-long commitment and is structured to allow youth to develop independent projects in their neighborhoods. The YLT is a vehicle for youth leadership and voice in the community around STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), food systems, and environmental justice. Apply here >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Fruit and cheese kabobs!
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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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