RAUC Newsletter: December 22, 2020
Published on Dec 22, 2020 16:02

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 December 22, 2020

Julia GreetingGreetings

Dear RAUC families,

Please click the image for a video message for highlights from this week’s news.

As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email at [email protected] or phone at (857)244-0730.

Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Listening Conferences Themes

Thank you for sharing your experience with your student’s advisor during December listening conferences. Here are the themes that we will take to heart as we head into the new year:

  • A positive message based on what we didn’t hear:
    • Families did not bring up concerns about independent work time and managing the routines of getting to classes and following the remote schedule (clear themes in October conferences). We hope this is due to the intentional work we’ve done to support student independence since hearing these concerns:
      • advisors and classroom teachers had direct conversations and structured activities to strengthen executive functioning skills
      • teachers restructured google classroom to include more resources for all students
      • educators set up learning plans for individual students
      • our November community meeting focused on supporting student independence
    • Our work in this area will continue, and we hope to continue to see the benefits of all our efforts--students, families and educators!
  • Biggest common concern: People are tired. These times remain challenging and we have been at it a while. We all need a vacation from remote learning!
    • There remains tremendous appreciation from families, and tremendous pride with educators, for what we have done to make remote learning as engaging and successful as possible.
    • And still, we miss each other. Students miss the social interaction, educators and students miss responding to each other in real time, families miss the live connections with each other and the school. People miss the classes they thought they (or their student) would be attending, whether it was Chorus or 5 days a week of math.
    • This desire for “normalcy” plays out in different ways. Some families note their student just needs a break from online learning; others want more online work because their child is not stimulated enough. Many want more socialization opportunities for their students.
      • We will continue to be responsive to individual needs as best we can and remind families there is no one perfect system we can offer. It is just hard and for all of our hard work and despite what we want, there are aspects of our reality we just can’t change.
      • For those who expressed a desire for more social opportunities, we remind families to check out the robust club offerings in the Activities section of our webpage--our next round of clubs starts January 4th but it is not too late to still sign up!
  • Other curriculum nights (similar to the math night?): A few families were curious if there would be evening events for the other content areas. Looking ahead, our March community meeting will be a Literacy Night. In the meantime, families are reminded that district priority standards guide the curriculum. Information on essential questions and key standards can be found on the department websites.

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Summary of Family Perspective on Expanding In-person Learning

We have captured what we heard from over 60% of our families about your preferences on expanding in-person learning and are sharing it with the district as plans are being finalized for possible ways to bring more students back to school in-person. A reminder that the ultimate decision rests with the district, dependent on School Committee approval.

  • We asked, “Would you consider sending your student for in-person learning if opportunities became available?”
    • 26% said yes, whatever form
    • 23% said no, would keep them remote
    • 56% said it depends (on safety, the actual days, more model details…)
  • For those who would consider sending their student in:
    • People were most likely to send their student in if it was for two days a week
    • People preferred by a 3:1 ratio that their student come into school two days in a row vs alternating days

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Winter Break Meal Kits

Winter Break Meal Kits
Tomorrow, Wed. 12/23,
 the district will be distributing multi-day Meal Kits at 4 select sites (Fresh Pond Apartments, Fletcher Maynard Academy, King School/Putnam Ave, and CRLS). These meal kits are first come, first served. Distribution will begin at 11:30 am and go to 1 pm. More information can be found here. Click here for the flyer in different languages.

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Jan. Monthly Community Meeting

Wednesday, January 6th | 6-7PM | Join Zoom Meeting >>

January 2021 Monthly Community MeetingBased on what has come up through listening conferences and other communications, our next two community meetings will focus on understanding the social and emotional needs of middle schoolers amidst remote learning and ways families can support them. The first session will be led by Alice Cohen, Cambridge Public Schools Lead Teacher for Social Emotional Learning. Our February meeting will be led by our school counselors.

If you have particular questions or goals for this meeting, please let us know ([email protected]) and we can share these with Alice and our counselors.

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Watch Season One of RAUC TV (100% student-created)!

RAUC TV is one of the afterschool clubs we offer. In RAUC TV, students shot videos using phones and computers, and did all their own editing. Although we were socially distanced, kids found creative ways to work together. Featuring original animation, comedy sketches, and a healthy dose of dogs, RAUC TV is 15 minutes of fun. Every entry is shorter than three minutes long. Click here or the picture to watch Season One of RAUC TV featuring 100% student-created video content! 
RAUC TV Full Episode
Don’t have 15 min for the whole episode? Check out this short teaser, featuring some amazing original animation.
RAUC TV Teaser
Clubs start again in January. Your student can stop on by Mr. Tobin's class-zoom and start making their own movies!

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Mayor Siddiqui Visits RAUC Students

On Wednesday, December 16th, Mayor Sumbal Siddiqui visited with the RAUC Students for Social Justice Club, advised by literacy coach Katie Gribben and 6th SS teacher, Gisel Saillant. Mayor Siddiqui shared a bit about her journey into public office, then spent most of the hour engaging in discussion about issues of justice that matter to the students. Mayor Siddiqui responded honestly and thoughtfully to questions posed by members of the Social Justice Club. Students asked questions about policies, and also about the Mayor's personal reflections and history with issues of discrimation and injustice. Together, the students and the Mayor brainstormed possible pathways for creating change in our schools and community. A connection was formed between the students and the Mayor, and conversations will continue in the future.

On Friday, December 18 Mayor Siddiqui visited two 8th grade classes. In science with Mr. Suchy, students shared what they were learning about the climate and then engaged with the Mayor around what Cambridge is doing to combat climate change. In civics class with Mr. Trainor, students had a lively question and answer session around civic action, impressing the Mayor with their thoughtfulness and issues of passion.

Thank you Mayor Siddiqui for your time and engagement with our wonderful RAUC scholars!

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Tech Corner

Tech Corner Computer IconLooking for something for your student to do over the break? Check out the CPS Computer Science Contests from Computer Science Education week! Your students can submit entries until December 31st.

If your Chromebook has trouble during break, you can still bring it to the Help Desk!

  • Hours through Jan. 3rd: Mon.-Wed. 8am-4pm, Closed Thurs.-Sun.
  • The Help Desk is located at CRLS. Come to the service windows beside the garage door, on Felton St. closest to Broadway. Look for the fluorescent pink signs hanging in the window.

Icon: Laptop by Prime Icons from the Noun Project

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Social/Emotional Well-being--Tip of the Week

"Take care of yourself, even when it feels like the last thing you can do right now.In order to cultivate the social and emotional skills of young people, you must take care of your own mental, social and emotional wellness. Young children are sensitive to the stress of their caretakers. Even if it means taking 10 minutes a day to go for a walk, journal, meditate or relax. You deserve it and it helps you show up for your student."

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Healthy Snack of the Week
Carrot Boats
Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Carrot Boats: Slice carrots topped with hummus or cream cheese and dried fruit and/or nuts on top! Try pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries or sliced prunes.

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

Winter Vacation (No School)
Thursday, December 24th - Friday, January 1st

School Council Meeting
Tuesday, January 5 | 8-8:45AM
Topic: Equity video recording
Join via Zoom >> 

Monthly Community Meeting
Wednesday, January 6 | 6-7PM
Topic: Supporting Student Social-Emotional Well-being during COVID19
Join via Zoom >>

Rising 9th Grader Virtual Information Night
Thursday, January 21
-- Rindge School of Technical Arts (RSTA) Tech Expo
5–6pm | Online via Zoom (link will be emailed closer to the date)
-- CRLS Information Night
6–7:30pm | Online via Zoom (link will be emailed closer to the date)

In Our District & Community

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Out of School Time Opportunities
There are many programs available to middle schoolers this Fall! Here are some
opportunities for middle school students & tutoring opportunities for all grades.  

Find other opportunities on Find It Cambridge – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email us

DHSP FREE Winter Programming
DHSP is now offering FREE virtual K-8 programming from December 14 - January 15, 3-6PM.
Learn more >>

FREE Adult Education Programs
Adult education programs now accepting students for free ESOL, GED/HiSET, Citizenship or Job training programs with NO wait lists.
Learn more >>

COVID-19 Testing
Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available, view schedule here.
*You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Note: It's mandatory for CPS students to receive flu shots by 12/31. Details >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC)
The CFCC is a collective of families and students of color working to uplift, empower, celebrate, and nurture our students and each other.
Learn more >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars
Free mental health resources available. 
View upcoming webinars >>

Guide to Healthier Snacking
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages.
Details >>

Caregiver Groups

The BRYT (Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition) network has been providing FREE parent support groups since the school closures in March 2020 to any parent or caregiver!
Flyer >>
Parents Supporting Parents Commercial >>

CEOC Resources: Food Pantry, P-EBT Benefit Help, Health insurance Application Support

-- CEOC Food Pantry is now open at 11 Inman Street!
- Still haven’t received P-EBT benefits? Learn more >>
-- Health insurance:
It is Open Enrollment for health insurance now through January 23, 2021. Learn more >>
-- For more information on any of the above, please call 617.868.2900 or visit www.ceoccambridge.org

Cambridge Public Library Resources
-- Contactless Holds Pickup Service Available
-- Google Drawing 101: Sticker Design
12/29, 12NOON | Register here >>

-- English Classes
Registration is required for each class. Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.

Questions about P-EBT Benefits?
For more information, visit here. For free, confidential support and further info surrounding the next round of Pandemic EBT funding, SNAP benefits, and food resources, contact Project Bread at 800.645.8333.

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridge.

We have a Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a Farmers Market flyer.

Tenants Rights & Resources Info Available in Multiple Languages
To learn more about tenants rights and resources in Cambridge, please visit this website >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
CPS Mobile App >>
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