RAUC Newsletter: January 26, 2021
Published on Jan 26, 2021 16:09

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 January 26, 2021

Julia HoGreetings

Dear RAUC families,

Please click the image for a video message with highlights from this week’s news:

As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email at [email protected] or phone at 857.244.0730.

Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Black History Month

In this last newsletter in January, we would like to share our upcoming plans for Black History Month which takes place in February. At RAUC we are dedicated to teaching, learning, and celebrating black history throughout the year and in every subject as an integral part of what we value and learn about.

Rosa ParkThat means that Black History isn’t just a one month isolated event. Throughout the year, for example, we read books, stories, and poetry written by Black authors; we study and learn from Black artists, and musicians; we learn about contributions in science and math; and we explore the wide scope of people, organizations, and leaders that have fought and continue to fight for racial justice.

In February specifically, through Advisory lessons, we honor and celebrate Black joy, beauty, achievement, resiliency, and the continued striving for social and racial justice. Our specific goals for the month will be to:

  • Continue to increase comfort/ability to talk about race and racial justice
    Build critical thinking skills and awareness of current issues
  • Continue to build understanding that there is no one Black experience in the U.S.
  • Determine steps we can take as individuals and as a school to stay engaged in working towards equity
  • Raise awareness and build understanding of what Black Lives Matter is and is not

Finally, and importantly, we aspire to be an anti-racist school. We acknowledge that we have work to do as a school, and as individual staff members, in our own and collective journey to becoming anti-racist. We are not perfect, but we are committed. We actively and continuously reflect and refine our thinking, practices and curriculum to better serve our students and to more fully live our intentions.

If you would like to explore some of the resources that inspire us for Black History Month and Black Lives Matters, here are some links: blacklivesmatteratschool.com; blacklivesmatter.com; facinghistory.org; Teaching Tolerance. We also invite you to share with us any resources you know of!

Photo (Rosa Parks) by Unseen Histories on Unsplash.

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Updates on plans to expand in-person learning:

NO SCHOOL - Wednesday, January 27 & February 3

  • The School Committee approved the plan to expand in-person learning starting no earlier than March 1st. You can learn more about the plan here on the district website.
  • There will now be NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, January 27 and Wednesday, February 3. On these days, staff will be planning for the transition to expanded in-person learning. Students should treat this as a holiday (there will be no asynchronous work on these days). The lunch sites will be closed on these days so please pick up additional meals on Tuesday.

RAUC Community Meeting Information SessionINFO SESSION
Thurs., Feb. 4th | 6-7PM
Join via Zoom >>

  • You should have been notified yesterday (1/25) on whether your student will be in-person or remain fully remote.
  • We know that many questions remain on what in-person and remote learning will look like when we transition in March.
  • We just learned of a schedule conflict with another school, and to allow more families to join, we have changed the date of our community meeting to Thursday Feb. 4th.
  • At our February 4th Community Meeting, we will…
    •  Share schedule information for both fully remote and in-person learners
    • Break up into remote and in-person groups to…
      • Share information specific to each model (e.g. safety measures for in-person learners)
      • Get your input on what should be in our orientation for students
      • Answer any questions you may have that are specific to each model

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Help show your appreciation to RAUC Staff!  

Staff AppreciationFamilies of RAUC (FRAUC) is organizing a teacher appreciation event for our RAUC staff who have been working so hard and who will be coming to the school building to plan on February 3!

Here is how you can show them your appreciation:

  • Signs and cards of appreciation: You and your child can make signs, posters, or cards of any size. Encourage your child to write and decorate them however they’d like. You can mention individuals, groups of staff, or the whole staff in your signs and cards. Make as many as you can, showing appreciation for:
    • Teachers
    • Custodians
    • Cafeteria staff
    • Administrators and Support Staff
  • Drop your signs and cards at the school (70 Rindge Ave.) on Monday, Feb 1 and Tuesday, Feb 2 from 9AM-3PM. There will be a bin outside the front entrance to collect them.

Live far from the school but want to share a sign/card? Please email Deirdre Logan, FRAUC Co-chair, for an alternative drop off location.

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RAUC TV - Season 2

RAUC TV Season 2RAUC TV is back with Season 2, and because kids are making videos more quickly this time, we're likely to put out multiple episodes over the next months. Featuring a little over 9 minutes of sketches, animation, and lots of fake commercials, this selection of short videos were all shot, edited, and produced by sixth graders. Know a middle schooler interested in making something for an upcoming episode? Send them to Mr. Tobin every Tuesday and Thursday at 3 (come to the day or days that make sense).

Watch RAUC TV Season 2 here >>

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Tech Corner

If your student needs to make a video (for class, musical auditions, etc.), Screencastify is the simplest tool to do that. See quick instructions here. Many RAUC students are discovering that video allows them to express their creativity in a new way!

If your Chromebook is broken in any way, take it to the Mobile Help Desk! The Help Desk is open Mon.-Fri. 8AM-4PM, and Sat. 10AM-2PM. They're located at CRLS. Come to the service windows beside the garage door, on Felton St. closest to Broadway. Look for the fluorescent pink signs hanging in the window.

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Social/Emotional Well-being--Tip of the Week

“Self-motivation is an essential skill young people need to succeed at school and in life. It can help to teach students what motivation is in order to help a child understand how to set goals and how to overcome any setbacks that can get in the way of their goals. Try sharing a personal experience about setting and achieving a goal, even better if it didn't happen easily!”

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Healthy Snack of the Week
Greek Yogurt with Chopped Apples, Walnuts, and Honey
Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Greek Yogurt with chopped apples, walnuts, and honey!

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

Wednesday, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3

School Council Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 2 | 8-8:45AM
Join via Zoom >>

Community Meeting
Feb. 3 | 6-7PM
Join via Zoom >>

In Our District & Community

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Out of School Time Opportunities
There are many programs available to middle schoolers this Fall! Here are some
opportunities for middle school students & tutoring opportunities for all grades.  

Find other opportunities on Find It Cambridge – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email us

Educator-Caregiver Dialog Series

Jan. 28 | 6:30-8PM | View Flyer >>
An opportunity sponsored by the Cambridge Education Association and My Brother’s Keeper for caregivers and educators to connect and work together towards a common goal of supporting students. Register here >>

Mental Health Resources: HandHold
HandholdMA.org is a user-friendly website for Massachusetts families who are worried about their children’s mental health. Resources for children and families in multiple languages available.

Lasagna Love
Lasagna Love helps deliver free, home-cooked lasagnas or other main dishes to families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic.
Request a meal >>
Interested in volunteering?
Volunteer form here >>

NEW Affordable, Not-for-Profit Grocery Store in Central Square

The Daily Table is now open in Central Square at 684 Mass Ave.
Free store membership, open to all. *Accepts cash, credit & SNAP (Every item in the store is SNAP-eligible).

DHSP Virtual Programming
February 1 - March 12, | 4-6PM
FREE virtual programming for middle schoolers. More details >>
Registration open from 1/14-1/25. Register here >>

Mental Health Support
Mass Support offers free, anonymous, and confidential programs to ALL Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn more >>
*Available in multiple languages

Science Club for Girls Spring 2021
Check out this video of last summer's 2020 Virtual Rocketry Program! Clubs begin the week of February 23rd and run for 8 weeks. Apply here >>

FREE After-School Orienteering Mini-Games
Fun, outdoor enrichment activities based on CPS orienteering physical education unit! View Flyer >>
Upcoming events >>
More details >>

Harvard Sq. "Fridge in the Square"

With the principle 'take what you need, leave what you can', we aim to redistribute resources within our community to those in need on a hyper-local scale. Sign up to volunteer >>
For more info, please email or DM on Instagram @cambridgefridge.

CRLS Winter Arts Festival
This week, take a peek at what the future at CRLS can offer at the CRLS Winter Arts Festival! View schedule >>
FREE Adult Education Programs
Free ABE, ESOL, and high school equivalency classes for adults.
Learn more >>

COVID-19 Testing
Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available, view schedule here.
*You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Details >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC)
The CFCC is a collective of families and students of color working to uplift, empower, celebrate, and nurture our students and each other.

Learn more >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars
Free mental health resources available. View webinars >>

Guide to Healthier Snacking

Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages. Details >>

Caregiver Groups

The BRYT (Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition) network has been providing FREE parent support groups since the school closures in March 2020 to any parent or caregiver! Flyer >>
Parents Supporting Parents Commercial >>

CEOC Resources: Food Pantry, P-EBT Benefit Help, Health insurance Application Support

-- CEOC Food Pantry is now open at 11 Inman Street!
- Still haven’t received P-EBT benefits? Learn more >>
-- Health insurance: Learn more >>
-- For more information, call 617.868.2900 or visit CEOC.

Cambridge Public Library Resources
-- Tween/Teen Virtual Hangout
A drop-in hour for tweens, teens and their caregivers. Breakout rooms available for one-on-one assistance. Register here >>

-- English Classes
*Registration required for each class. Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.

Questions about P-EBT Benefits?
For free, confidential support & info on the next round of Pandemic EBT funding, SNAP benefits, & food resources, contact Project Bread at 800.645.8333 or visit here.

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridge.

We have a Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a Farmers Market flyer.

Tenants Rights & Resources Info Available in Multiple Languages
To learn more about tenants rights and resources in Cambridge, please visit this website >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
CPS Mobile App >>
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