RAUC Newsletter: May 25, 2021
Published on May 25, 2021 14:38

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   May 25, 2021

Message from family liasionGreetings

Dear RAUC families,

I hope you’re enjoying the warm weather these days!
To watch or listen to some highlights from this week's news, please click the image.

As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email at [email protected] or phone at 857.244.0730.

Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Message from Ms. Craven: Extended Medical Leave

Dear RAUC Families,
I am writing to let you know that I am extending my medical leave through the end of July.  Unfortunately long covid seems to really be emphasizing the "long" with me and I have not yet recovered enough to take on the leadership of the school.  I am grateful to be in the care of good doctors and to be able to take this time for my health.
My decision was made easier knowing that the school is in good hands.  Teresa Sanchez will continue as acting Head of School in my absence, and our instructional coaches Katie Gribben and Sara Helmes will continue with instructional leadership.  That said, I will be involved in specific decisions that will affect next year, such as making final hiring and scheduling decisions. 
I so miss the RAUC community--the wonderful individuality of our students and the joys of watching them learn and create; the engaged and inspired educators; the support folks who keep the school running smoothly; and you, the families who partner with us to make learning happen.  But I know the school is moving forward and I know I will be back.
Until then, may you all stay safe and well.
Julie Craven

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Portfolios Presentations & Final Listening Conferences of the Year 

This year, we are happy to continue an exciting part of the student experience at Rindge Avenue Upper School: student-created portfolios. 

  • In their portfolios, students will…
    • Thoughtfully reflect on this past year
    • Collect examples of their work
    • Present their work and reflections to their advisors and caregivers during our final listening conferences of the year. 
  • Click here for more information about portfolios and the content and process for this year. 

Families / caregivers: Your advisors will be reaching out to you next week starting June 1st about scheduling a conference. 

  • In addition to student portfolio presentations, during these conferences, we also hope to hear from you about how your year went and your students’ summer plans. 
  • Please look out for their communication and respond.

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Reminder: Updated Mask Policies for Families of In-Person Students

  • Masks Now Optional for Students When Outdoors: 
    Starting yesterday, students are no longer required to wear masks outdoors, including during recess, lunch, physical education, outdoor learning, and sports. They can still continue to wear masks outside if they would like to but again, it is not required. Adults must continue to wear masks outdoors if they cannot maintain 3 feet distance. 
  • Masks Still Required Inside Schools: All adults and students must continue to wear masks inside school buildings. (no change)
  • Masks Still Required on School Buses: All adults and students must continue to wear masks when riding school buses. (no change)

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Student Council comes to RAUC!

Starting next year, RAUC students will have a new opportunity to have their voices heard with the creation of a Student Council. This June rising 7th & 8th graders have the opportunity to nominate themselves for Student Council Leadership and vote on said leadership in preparation for the 2021-2022 school year. Rising 6th graders will have an opportunity to learn more and join the Student Council in September.

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Summer Opportunities for Students 

This week, during community connections groups, teachers will be sharing slides with grade-level specific summer opportunities with students. Here are the links to the slides: 

We know that looking for summer opportunities can sometimes feel overwhelming; if you would like some specific recommendations for summer opportunities for your student, please feel free to reach out to Julia Ho to schedule a time to talk about your students’ specific interests and get recommendations. 

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All chromebooks and chargers will need to be returned to the school prior to the last day of school. Please look for more information in the coming weeks.

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Tech Corner

Icon: Laptop by Zahroe from the Noun ProjectStorage for School Laptops at School: In-person students can now leave their school laptops at school instead of bringing them back and forth. Students who want to leave their laptop at school must first bring their laptop chargers with them to school from home and give it to their teacher at the beginning of the day. If they'd prefer to keep taking the computer home at night and bringing it in charged every day, that is also fine! (All computers and chargers will be collected at the end of the year.) Any questions? Please email Ms. Musher, Library & Tech Teacher.

If your laptop isn't working, the quickest fix is still to bring it to the Help Desk, Mon-Fri. 12-4, on Felton St. at the high school

Icon: Laptop by Zahroe from the Noun Project.

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Green Smoothie! Blend: 1/2 cup plain unsweetened yogurt, 1/2 banana (frozen if possible), 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 cup spinach, and 1-3 ice cubes.Healthy Snack of the Week

Green Smoothie! Blend: 1/2 cup plain unsweetened yogurt, 1/2 banana (frozen if possible), 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 cup spinach, and 1-3 ice cubes.

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

No School (Memorial Day Holiday)

Monday, May 31
Final RAUC Caregivers of
Color Gathering
Tuesday, June 8 | 7-8PM

RAUC Musical
Friday, June 11 | 6-7PM

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo 

Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families. You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

Here are a few featured events:

Celebrate Scratch Week with CPS! Virtual Celebration
Wednesday, May 26th | 6-7PM
Join a virtual celebration to see shared projects and learn more about Scratch in Cambridge Public Schools!


Friday Night Hype at Starlight Square
Friday, May 28th | 6-8PM
We invite your scholars to join us for an evening of fun at Starlight Square! Scholars who attend will be able to participate in a myriad of fun activities and games, listen to music played by DJ Incognito, and eat a great meal with their friends. Watch this video to see a few of our scholars sharing why they feel others should come out and join Friday Night Hype! Sign up here >>
More details >>

District Student Vaccine Clinic TOMORROW 
Wednesday, May 26th | CRLS
CPS students ages 12 years old and up are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine through the district. Click here for flyer >>
For more information about how to sign up, please visit the district website >> 

Social Justice Workshops for Tweens and Teens

Join us for a series of workshops for tweens/teens about social justice. May 26 | 4PM | Social Justice at the CPL

Rising 9th Grader Algebra District Program
The 8th Grade → Algebra CAMBridge Program is a self-paced program offered by the district for all 8th grade students with the opportunity to demonstrate, deepen, and strengthen their mathematical understanding of 8th grade and/or Algebra 1 standards.
Learn more here >>

DHSP Summer Programs for Middle School students
7/6-8/20, M-F | 8:30AM-5:30PM
(2-week sessions)
Full-day summer program with a variety of youth enrichment activities including sports, arts, science exploration, healthy living, leadership development and more. Tuition cost for grades K-7 is on a sliding scale by income, and is FREE for 8th graders
View flyer>>
Register here>> 
Note: Camps are also available for grades JK-5; see this flyer for details.

More Summer Opportunities for Students
Please check out this resource list made by the Middle School Network of opportunities for middle schoolers for the summer.
Click here for more student OST opportunities >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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