RAUC Newsletter: September 21, 2021
Published on Sep 21, 2021 17:11

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   September 21, 2021


message from principalDear RAUC families,

Please watch the video or scroll down to read some updates for this week’s news:

As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to
email email Family Liaison Julia Ho at [email protected] or phone at 617.352.5781.

We look forward to seeing you in a couple days!

Julie Craven, RAUC Principal
Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Important information from the
School Nurse

Please see this document from Bella Abshir, our school nurse with important information. It includes information on medications, immunizations, health screenings, as well as information on what to do if your student is sick.

Please also note the nurse’s contact information:
Phone: 617.349.6530 | Fax: 617.349.4470
[email protected]

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Literacy & STEM Blocks are starting!

Literacy & STEM Blocks are starting! Literacy and STEM Blocks are an exciting component of our academic program at RAUC. These blocks aim to (further) develop interest in and enjoyment of literacy and STEM. Your student will have one semester of Literacy Blocks and one semester of STEM Blocks. These classes occur once a week on Tuesdays.

In September, we will establish the purpose and routines of these classes as well as explore and develop key literacy/STEM and critical thinking skills. At the end of these foundational sessions, your student gets to choose their next literacy/STEM block from a menu of options offered by our literacy/STEM teachers. All choices will build on the joy, skills, and practices of the first sessions, but each will have a unique twist. Some Literacy Block options may include current events, acting and drama, fan fiction. Some STEM options might include coding, math and art, and engineering challenges. Your students will be informed of their choices on 9/28. Then, their new literacy or STEM block will start in the first week of October and will run for 8 weeks.

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Introducing School Council

What is School Council?

  • School Council is a meeting with representatives from families, staff, and the family liaison and principal
  • It needs a minimum of three family and three staff reps.
  • Even if you are not a member, the meetings are open to all--they are governed by open meeting laws.
  • The council supports the principal in an advisory role in making school decisions by providing their perspectives, questions and feedback

When does School Council meet?

  • School Council meets on the first Tuesday morning of every month (8-8:40AM)
  • All meetings are virtual--as an open meeting, links will be made available to the entire school community

Please join us for the first meeting on October 5th!

  • We have two returning family representatives but would love to have enough interest to have an election. If you are interested in joining as a representative, please contact Julia Ho.
  • At our first meeting we will be discussing some ideas and norms for school council this year. We hope to see you there!
  • Please look out for a link to the meeting on Monday, October 4th. You can also register in advance (registration is not required) at this website >> (select 2021-10-05).

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Fall Listening Conferences

Reminder that you can expect:

  • To hear from your student's advisor by this Friday, September 24 with an introduction and information on how to sign up
  • Conferences will be scheduled between September 27 and October 15--exact time slots will vary by advisor
  • Student AND an adult family member should plan to attend the conference! If you schedule a conference during the day, we are happy to give your student a pass so they can attend.

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Reminder that this Wednesday, September 22 is an Early Release Day

  • School ends at 12:55PM.
  •  Students will have lunch before dismissal.
  • All walkers will be released from the recess fields behind the school
  • All buses will run the regular route, just at an earlier time. For more information about busses, please visit our district transportation page >>

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Curriculum Nights

They are next Wednesday and Thursday--see the poster!
RAUC Curriculum Nights

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HELP: If you haven’t yet...we still need...

Laptops & chargers: please return them!

  • On Monday, September 27, ICTS will LOCK all Chromebooks that are being used outside the CPS Network (so those still at home). Students will not be able to log into the Chromebook and instead will see a message indicating that they need to bring the Chromebook and charger back to school.

COVID-19 Testing Forms

  • You can fill out at the CPS Family Portal or by filling out this PDF and returning it with your student.
  • If you have any questions or hesitations, please contact our school nurse Bella Abshir or Julia Ho or call the school directly and ask for one of them (617.349.4060).

Back-to-School Forms: essential for student safety!

  • Log on to the CPS Family Portal to complete these important annual back-to-school forms.
  • Questions or need help logging in? Please reach out to me.

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After School Clubs

We’ve received many questions about after school clubs. Please note that…

  • We are excited that we will definitely be able to offer some after school in-person clubs and intramural sports this year.
  • We’re still getting some information from the district about logistics but we will be reaching out soon with more details about specific dates, choices, and how students can sign up. Please look out for more information in future newsletters!

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Italian Herbed Tomatoes! Chopped tomatoes mixed with mozzarella cheese and a sprinkle of dried oregano or basil. Tip: Try fresh basil or other herbs and spices your kids like. Let kids sprinkle on the herbs for added fun!Healthy Snack of the Week

Italian Herbed Tomatoes! Chopped tomatoes mixed with mozzarella cheese and a sprinkle of dried oregano or basil. Tip: Try fresh basil or other herbs and spices your kids like. Let kids sprinkle on the herbs for added fun!

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

Early Release Day

Wednesday, September 22 
Curriculum nights
Wednesday, September 29
-- 5:30-6:30PM | 6th grade
-- 7-8PM | 7th grade

Thursday, September 30
-- 5:30-6:30PM | 8th grade
-- 7-8PM | Specials

School Council

Tuesday, October 5 | 8-8:40AM

In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>


Middle School Network After School Programs Guide
Looking for something to do afterschool? Visit the MSN After School Guide >> 
This is a ‘live’ document that will continue to be updated!

8th graders invited to Youth Equity Leadership Summit!
September 25 | 10AM-3PM
The Summit is designed to explore “What does equity sound like, look like, and feel like in CPS?” from the youth perspective. The feedback, ideas, and lessons gained from the summit will be used to inform CPS’s equity work moving forward.
More details >>

Gathering for CPS Caretakers & Educators
September 29 | 10-11:30am
Learn more >>

Get in Gear: Free Bike Tune up
September 23 | 4-7PM, Central Square Branch Library (45 Pearl St.)
Learn more >>

District Community Resource Fair
Sept. 25 | 10AM-12PM, CSUS/King Open (850 Cambridge St.) on the sidewalk in front of the school.
Get help filling out annual forms (both paper copies and online). Backpacks, books and school supplies will also be available.
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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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