RAUC Newsletter: May 3, 2022
Published on May 3, 2022 17:03

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   May 3, 2022


Dear RAUC families,

We hope your week is off to a good start! Please watch the video below or scroll down to read some updates for this week's news:
Message from family liasion
As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to
email Family Liaison Julia Ho at [email protected] or phone at 617.352.5781.
Julie Craven, RAUC Principal
Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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May Learning Previews

Learning PreviewsPlease visit the links below for more information from your student’s teachers about what your students will be learning this month:

Click here for a printable version. In these learning previews, you can also find some conversation starters and questions you can ask your students about what they’re learning.

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7th Grade NetPals Science Fair THIS Friday

  • This Friday, students will present their science fair projects to their peers and NetPals mentors.
  • Students and mentors will enjoy pizza outside after.
  • This is a culminating event of our partnership with our NetPals from local STEM companies.
  • 7th GRADE FAMILIES: Make sure your student’s science fair project is finished and ready to go!
  • Pictured below: Last week, 7th graders practiced presenting their science fair projects to 5th graders and other staff!

 last week, 7th graders practiced presenting their science fair projects to 5th graders and other staff!

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School Council Meeting Notes

This morning, we held our monthly School Council / Equity Team meeting. At the meeting, we completed our school equity self-assessment. Please click here for meeting notes.

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Mark your calendars for our Spring Unity Concert!

Spring Unity ConcertPlease mark your calendars for our Spring Unity Concert on Wednesday, May 18, 6-7:30PM outdoors in front of our building! Students in all our music classes will be featured! Enjoy...

  • Performances from students in Urban Legends, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, and Ukulele
  • Music from our Music Studio students
  • Posters made my Music Studio students advertising the concert throughout the school!

Questions? Contact Jamal Fairbanks, Brittany Phillips

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Local Latinx Author visits RAUC

Jennifer De LeonLast Friday, local Latinx author Jennifer De Leon visited our 8th graders at RAUC. During the visit, Ms. De Leon led an honest conversation about race and belonging. She shared key questions that shaped her identity: Where are you from? Where are you from-from? Where are you really from? 8th graders also asked her their own questions about her experience as a writer and any advice. 

Learn more about the visit here >>

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6th grade field experience to Fresh Pond

Fresh Pond
Rindge Avenue 6th graders are piloting a new learning experience for the 6th grade district interdisciplinary science/social studies–field experiences! These are different than “field trips.” Students went to Fresh Pond last week to do field work around a range of interdisciplinary topics (reservoirs, earth science, indigenous people, for example). We are proud that our students and teachers are helping enrich district learning opportunities!

Photo: 6th graders experience how an ecosystem works in a hands-on way!

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Seeking donations for RAUC Snack Pantry

Our snack pantry was an experiment this year–can we find a way to have enough snacks for anyone who wanted one, using donations and FRAUC contributions? What we have learned is that it is a challenge to keep our pantry full. We will continue the snacks this year as long as we have supplies. Thank you to FRAUC for their ongoing support. Your contributions will help as well.
Snack Pantry

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CPS Lunch & Breakfast Menu -
May Week 1

Click here for the full menu >>Lunch Menu Week 1

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Healthy Snack of the Week

Hard boiled egg slices on whole wheat toast! Tip: Sprinkle paprika or slices green onions on top for a pop of color and flavor!Hard boiled egg slices on whole wheat toast! Tip: Sprinkle paprika or slices green onions on top for a pop of color and flavor!

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

Early Release Day
Wednesday, May 11
Spring Unity Concert
Wednesday, May 18 | 6-7:30PM | Outdoors at RAUC

RAUC Musical
Thursday, June 2 & 3 | 7-9PM | Indoors at RAUC
Audience must be masked, vaccinated and boosted

In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>


For Students

Middle School Activities Club
May 3rd - June 20th, 2x/week
After-school program for Cambridge youth 6th-8th grade at Russell Youth Center (680 Huron Ave.).

View flyer >>

CRLS Pre-debate Summer Program
One-week debate experience for 6th-9th graders at CRLS.
View flyer >>
Learn more >>

Summer Ink
2-week summer program to help students develop their skills as writers. Open to 5th-7th graders.
Learn more >>

For Families

Special Events at the O’Neill Library
Check out the calendar for more details on special events in May and June at the O’Neill Branch!
View calendar >>

Harvard Museum of Natural History Family events
-- Afterschool Animal Encounters: Ancient Ancestors
Wednesday, May 4 | 4-4:45PM
-- Colossal Heads of Mexico
Sunday, May 15 | 1, 1:45, 2:30pm (one hour each)
Register by 5/13 at 12PM
Learn more >>

Walk, bike, and roll to school day
Wednesday, May 4th
Learn more >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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