RAUC Newsletter: May 17, 2022
Published on May 17, 2022 15:19

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   May 17, 2022


Dear RAUC families,

Please watch the video below or scroll down to read some updates for this week's news:
video thumbnail
As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to
email Family Liaison Julia Ho at [email protected] or phone at 617.352.5781.
Julie Craven, RAUC Principal
Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Middle School Health Survey

Every two years all middle schoolers across the district take this very important survey.

  • The survey is completely anonymous.
  • It gives us information on how students are feeling about themselves and the school.
  • We use this information to figure out how we can make ourselves a better school and what supports students need. It also tells us what we are doing well, which is always good to hear.
  • We don’t get the information back until the fall. When we have it, we will definitely share the results with you and let you know what we plan to do about it!

Click here for more details from the district communication >>

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Reminder: Spring Unity Concert THIS Wednesday, May 18, 6-7:30PM

unity concertReminder about student attendance: Teachers expect students in the following classes to attend and perform: Urban Legends, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, and Ukulele.

  • It is part of their grade.
  • Please reach out to your child’s music teacher ASAP if you have any questions.

Information for family audience members:

  • Students will perform outdoors in front of the school.
  • Seating will be on the lawn in front of the school.
  • (No one can sit on the driveway for safety reasons)

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End-of-Year Trips & Events

We have several events and trips coming up in every grade. Please see below for the dates and links to permission slips with more details.

6th grade ($15 for all events - pay as you can)
–Monday, May 23 - Flatbread / Davis Square
–Monday, June 6 - Science field experience to Herter Park
–Wednesday, June 22 - Kimball Farms
Permission slip has already been collected.

7th grade
–Wednesday, June 22 - Canobie Lake (FREE)
Stay tuned for permission slip.

8th grade ($40 for all events, including graduation cap and gown!- pay as you can) (permission slip)
–Wednesday, June 15 - Play “1776” at the American Repertory Theater (ART) in Cambridge
–Friday, June 17 - Six flags
–Tuesday, June 21, 7-9PM - Boat trip
–Graduation Monday, June 27, 1-2pm (outside in bleachers)
Currently collecting permission slips.

All grades AT SCHOOL Event
Friday, June 24, Block Party (Rain date: Tuesday, June 28)

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Volunteer for FRAUC Block Party!

kids playingHave you wanted to help out at a school event this year, but haven’t been able to because of COVID? Are you curious about what is going on at middle school? Would you like to meet other RAUC parents and caregivers at the school? Do you want to have some serious FUN?! Here is your chance! The Families of RAUC (FRAUC) are making the end-of-year field day even more special with Art, Photography, a dunk tank, slushies and more! We’re calling it the #RAUCBlockParty!

Learn more and sign up to volunteer >>

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Families of RAUC (FRAUC) Meeting TOMORROW, May 18 at 8AM

All families are invited to join FRAUC tomorrow at Bergin park on Haskell Street for their monthly meeting.


  • Treasurer’s overview, including surplus from past events
  • Spring events, including the FRAUC Block Party!
    –Planning to volunteer? Bring a copy of your driver’s license, front and back, and you can submit your CORI form to the school
  • FRAUC Support for other year-end events
  • Planning 2022-2023 school year
    –Overview of FRAUC activities, calendar, involving the RAUC community

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RAUC Musical June 2nd & 3rd at 7PM

wonkaMark your calendars to attend this in-person student performance!

  • Note: Audience members must be masked, vaccinated and boosted.
  • Get tickets at the door–first come first served! Tickets $5 (suggested price–pay what you can!)

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Just for Fun: Photos from Staff Appreciation Event

RAUC staff felt very loved at our staff appreciation event last week. Thank you for your generosity and kindness!
staff appreciation

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CPS Lunch & Breakfast Menu -
May Week 3

Click here for the full menu >>


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snack of the week

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

Families of RAUC (FRAUC) Meeting
Wednesday, May 18 | 8-9AM 
Bergin Park

Spring Unity Concert
Wednesday, May 18 | 6-7:30PM
Outdoors at RAUC

Community Meal & Conversation
Tuesday, May 24 - Thursday, May 26
Outdoors at RAUC
Tuesday – Ethiopian Families
Wednesday – Muslim Families
Thursday – BIPOC/Families of Color

Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL
Monday, May 30 

RAUC Musical
Thursday, June 2 & 3 | 7-9PM
Indoors at RAUC
Audience must be masked, vaccinated, and boosted

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo 

Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>


For Students

Friday Night Hype THIS Friday 5/20
Join middle school students from around the city THIS Friday, May 20 at the CRLS War Memorial Field House from 6-9PM for music, games, mentorship, fun activities, and more. Click here>> to learn more. Sign up here>>

YouthCAN Climate & Sustainability Summit
Saturday, May 21, 9am-3pm, 32 Vassar St. at MIT
Organized by Boston Latin School and MIT Radius. Enjoy workshops, music and prizes. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Click here>> for more details. Register here>>

Girls’ Summer Basketball League
Hosted by the Ladies Invitational Team Enterprise
Draft on Wednesday, June 15 & Friday, June 17 @6:00PM, Riverside Press Park
See flyer>> for more details

Community Pride Day
Save the date for CPS community pride day at CRLS on June 10th after school.

For Families

Caregiver Equity Summit
June 4th, 9am-12pm at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School
Learn, connect and reflect with other parents and caregivers in the Cambridge public school district through workshops, panels, art, music and play. Commit to increasing equity. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Click here>> for more details.

8th grade families: Join the CRLS Arts Committee!
Would you like to become involved in supporting CRLS students in the visual and performing arts program and meet a supportive community of parents and guardians? Consider joining the CRLS Arts Committee! Interested in learning more? Please email Christina Akrivou-Valayannopoulos.

Boston City Singers
Audition for Boston City Singers Mon., June 13 or Tues. June 14 from 4-5:30PM. Virtual auditions are also available. Click here>> for flyer.

Special Events @ O’Neill Library
Check out the calendar for more details on special events in May and June at the O’Neill Branch!
View calendar >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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